We have a variety of Scout Centres throughout Sweden which we recommend contacting for more information about summer camps and places to stay.

They vary in size and format but most of them provide possibilities to arrange outdoor camps as well as indoor conferences or meetings, often with a clear emphasis on the first one.

The web pages are mainly in Swedish, but looking through them you can often find an email address or a form to fill in. Using them you can get your answers back regarding your exchange and/or journey to Sweden in English.

The Scout Centres vary a lot in size and format and some of them have different profiles. They may also vary in resources and routines regarding the welcoming and inclusion of international scouts and troops; some being very used to international scouts joining volunteer groups and camps while others are not that used to it, but – and this we promise you – just as pleased to hear from you!

Kopparbo Scout Centre

Kopparbo is one of the biggest Swedish Scout Centers, situated in Dalarna. Here there are fields and woods as well as cabins and larger houses. Except from going to Kopparbo with your own troop there is the possibily to join larger camps or go as a volunteer.

Contact information: www.kopparbo.com, including extensive information in English.

Kragenäs Scout Centre

Kragenäs Scout Centre is the venue of possibilities! This beautiful campsite in the west coast of Sweden, only 140km north of Gothenburg, has everything for your needs. During the summer both food and programme activities are offered as part of the services for you.

Contact information: Kragenäs web page. For bookings, please use the form here or send an e-mail to kragenas@gbgscout.se.

Kungshol Campsite

Kungshol is situated outside of Rättvik in Dalarna. At Kungshol there are fields for camping as well as cabins and some possibilities to have activities indoor.

Contact information: Kungshols web page or send an email to kungshol@nsf.scout.se. Anna Löfgren is the contact person for the Kungshol foundation, you reach her at +46 46 70 54 22.

Ransberg Scout Centre

Ransberg is situated in Värmland, about 60 km north of Karlstad. Here you have the possibility to organize outdoor camping as well as indoor conferences. Ransberg was the venue of the World Scout Moot in 1996.

Contact information: Ransbergs web page or ransberg@ransberg.se

Sjöbo Campsite

Sjöbo is situated just south of Nässjö in Småland. The site provides camp sites and cabins in forrest surroundings with some nearby lakes.

Contact information: www.sjobo.net. David Eriksson is responsible for booking of cabins, you can reach him at info@sjobo.net or +46 380 37 30 50.

Storvallen Ski Lodges/Cabins

Storvallen is situated outside of Storlien west of Östersund in Jämtland. The lodges/cabins are located in an area with fantastic hiking and skiing possibilities in the mountains. Long term planning is necessary due to the cabins often being fully booked.

Contact information: Storvallens web page.

Vässarö Scout Centre

Vässarö is an island situated in the archipelago just north of Stockholm. Vässarö Scout Center is the largest permanent youth camp in Sweden. It is owned and run by the Stockholm District of the Swedish Guide and Scout Association. At Vässarö you can take part in larger camps as well as plan your own, you can come as part of a troop or by yourself.

Contact information: Vässarös web page, or you can reach the staff at info@scoutkansliet.se or +46-8-652 05 10.